A quick kick to the peanuts
Something went wrong
I recently recorded a podcast episode and had a fun conversation, but after it wrapped up I was left with this feeling that something just wasn’t right.
I was interviewing someone who is a pro at streamlining business processes and automations. But I didn’t steer the conversation towards his strengths. I tried too hard to make it all about video (because that’s what I thought I was supposed to do) when that’s only a small part of his marketing mix.
It felt forced when it should have been a lesson on how to think about making the most of your time as a business owner, entrepreneur, marketer, etc.
This nagging feeling stuck with me for two days and then it clicked:
It wasn’t the kind of conversation that would help the people I hope to help.
And that meant that my podcast wasn’t ever to be as valuable and meaningful as it could be.
Owning it
This is entirely my fault and I’m grateful for the lesson so early on and to the guest for helping me see this.
Here’s how it all went down...
I scheduled a time to talk with a friend who I was really excited to chat with professionally. It was a chance to have a different kind of conversation with someone whose work I respect and admire and who operates at a level I hope to reach.
Because it was a friendly conversation, I got lazy. I didn’t do my homework. My prep was sloppy and basic. Almost as soon as I hit record, I knew something was wrong. We had a good conversation, but I didn’t give it the structure and focus it needed.
Fast forward a week
A colleague sends me the Brand Affinity Marketing Playbook from Wistia. Opening this was like a quick kick to what my 6-year old likes to call “the peanuts” because it spells out exactly what makes great content. And my latest podcast sessions were not hitting the mark.
It was clear that I’d lost focus.
So here’s what I’m doing to try to get it back.
- Getting crystal clear on the audience I’m trying to help by defining the values I’d like to have in common with readers, listeners, viewers, and conversation partners.
- Creating a content positioning statement that makes it easy to understand who I’m writing for, what I’d like to help with, and how I can help.
Wistia uses this framework -> “We connect with people who [Audience], but [Insight], by [Theme].” Wistia does a fine job explaining all of that here. - Figuring out the best medium (podcasting, video, email) where I can consistently add value and get to know more people.
How do you correct course?
When have you felt like you were getting off track? Where did you find your inspiration to get back on track?
Send me a note and let me know.