Weekly review for April 10, 2022

What was good this week?

Retchel is back on board and starting the Helppie customer research project. I'm excited to start outreach and to speak with people.

I did copywork every day this week. Reading amazing copywriting is a joy. Doing the work to write it out by hand is like taking notes in a class taught by a professor you can't believe you're lucky enough to learn from. I'm following Sam Parr's CopyThat daily email routine and loving it.

My quarterly plan was put in the hot seat in my mastermind group. Having a place to share ideas and plans – and get critical, constructive feedback – is such a gift. I feel good about what I'm working towards this quarter.

At home, we got so much work done on the land that it looks almost like a different property. There's a lot more to do, but it's taking shape around here.

What didn't go well

I drank too much. Like, a helluva lot. With family and friends visiting all week it was like a long party. It was fun, but a pile of empties does not make me sharp.


No shit. It is funny how some people bring out the competitive side of me. In this case, it's a brother-in-law and an unspoken competition. How many beers are you going to drink? And is it as many as me?

I should have taken the week off to just be with my family and visitors. I set myself up for failure by planning to do a bunch of work and a bunch of play on the same days.

I didn't write or publish anything. My quarterly goal to publish 15 blog posts ain't gonna write itself and playing catch up sucks. I have to block writing time and show up for it.

What I learned

  • Drinking has taken on an outsized part of my life. I can blame the pandemic (definitely saw an uptick in consumption then), but it's up to me to tone it down. I found myself making special trips into town for beer and nothing else. That's ridiculous.
  • I get burned out on things that feel like chores. Twitter was one of those things this week. I need to review my goals and my vision more often to avoid feeling like the tactical things aren't worth it. Every thing I do today is in service of a bigger, longer term goal.
  • Weekends are for family. Put down the phone. Close the laptop. Be with them.

What will I do next week?

  • Writing two blog posts
  • Outline a video format to help me vocalize these weekly review posts. I want to do more video and this feels like an easy way to start. Simple, clean, and easy.
  • Finish my Clarity Call outreach templates in preparation for when Retchel hands over the contact list for Helppie customer research.

One word


This week is about being in motion. Doing things. I need to get momentum behind me and I'll use these weekly check-ins to make sure I'm moving in the right direction.